Welcome back warriors, It is getting that time of year again in my country where we celebrate what we are thankful for in our lives. And that brings me to this. To all of those officers and young and aspiring officers out there, thank you for your sacrifice. And to the rest of you all out there, I am about to explain why they should be thanked.

We all should realize those law enforcement officers out there are risking a lot. Most notably their lives. And for the most part, I believe that society recognizes this. But what about the other sacrifices our law enforcement officers make.

I know police work doesn’t just stop because there is a holiday. While most of us will be sitting at home with our loved ones, you can count on there being police and other first responders out there working. Believe me when I say being away from loved ones during the holidays is no fun. But these officers do it all the time, year in and year out. With that, keep in mind that a normal day at work does not exist for a first responder. Just because there is a holiday does not mean there are no crimes being committed.

In the era we live in now, I hear all the time people thanking the military or first responders, and that’s great. We should thank them. But we should know what we are thanking them for. So next time you feel inclined to thank a police officer or military member, firefighter, or E.M.T. Tell them why you wanted to thank them as well. Be it thank you for staying out late to ensure I stay safe from bad guys. Or Thank you for sacrificing your time away from family to make sure there are no drunk drivers out. Something like that.

So that wraps up today’s blog, as always stay safe out there. And to our military and first responders, thank you for your sacrifice. Because of you, I can sleep soundly at night.


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