Welcome back warriors, there has been a lot going on this month.

For instance, where I’m we have the George Floyd trial being televised. Now with that, you would think it would be safe to say that law enforcement community’s everywhere would be hypersensitive to having a repeat of such an unfortunate incident. To be clear, I am referring to the time a group of officers detained George Floyd. So no matter how you feel about The George Floyd trial, know this. Once you have a suspect detained, and put in restraints, his safety is now on you. Let me say that again. The suspect’s SAFETY is your responsibility! But unfortunately, there are still officers that don’t understand this. Don’t get me wrong, I get it. After dealing with scumbags all the time maybe you just don’t care about their health or safety. And suspects do lie about ailments all the time. You, as police officers, must find a way to get past all of the horrible shit you see day in and day out. And if you can’t get pass it, maybe it’s time for a vacation or, even a change in profession. I say this looking out for you. No matter the outcome in the George Floyd trial, all those officers involved have had a very negative impact on their lives. And guess what? Almost the same thing happened again.

Tulum Mexico is a small resort town where another group of officers are accused of and being charged with femicide. It is still early into the investigation, but it does not look good for those officers involved. From what I gathered while kneeling on her back or neck, they used so much force to break the vertebrae. So basically, they broke her neck or spine depending on the area of the break. All my older readers know that you only apply the force you need to comply with the suspect. So for our new readers, now you know too. And as we can see you don’t have to be the person with the knee on the back or neck to lose out. All the cops there were charged. Think about that next time you see your fellow officer doing something you think is questionable or just outright wrong.


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So how does this get fixed in the law enforcement community? How can we avoid future black eye’s like we were talking about above. I have a few ideas myself. Change has to start at the top! Junior police officers need to feel safe to stop obvious excessive force. To accomplish that, the top officials have to put in a policy where there will be no reprisal to the officer for stopping excessive force. They also need to foster a climate where all officers are aware that they are held to a higher standard than the civilians they are protecting. All police dept. should be on the same page when it comes to excessive force. And most are. But as we have learned in life it only takes a few bad officers to ruin the reputation that you work very hard to uphold. Along with empowering officers to stop excessive force, the powers that be need to make sure they take the best applicants for the job. Not just physically but mentally as well. Make sure he wants the job for the right reasons. And constant continued training is so important. Oh and remember it’s 2021 there are cameras everywhere, so there is that too.

Ok, so that’s going to wrap up today’s blog. If you have any Idea’s on how to help let me know. And as always stay safe out there.

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