
Evolving your Kit.

I have been watching this community down here in Mexico for many years now and have noticed that many of you copy things you see others wearing or doing, especially, if it is from the special operations community. I’m sure that feels cool, but there are some things you should consider before doing that:

Evolving your Kit. Read More »

Mochila Segura

Mochila segura y bien acomodada

Mochila segura y bien acomodada. La falda de la montaña ahora está silencio. Las paredes metálicas del enorme cobertizo de dos pisos reflejan la luz de la luna. Los tonos grises son interrumpidos por algunas luces rojas que hurgan entre sus mochilas de asalto y el olor a tabaco acompaña a las luciérnagas rojas que

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